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08/31/18 1:19 PM

#93955 RE: BornAtNight #93950

One more thing,

Dump all your AMMX shares and run away as fast as you can. Having looked at their balance sheet, I have no idea why they are still in business. Since AMMX is such a small company, you should know the names and relationships of all their upper management and how much they pay themselves.

Publicly traded companies can issue and sell shares of stock. It's a lot like printing money. Who do they print it for? Themselves, at your expense. Be careful whose lifestyle you want to support -- it might not be your own.

Never ever invest in penny stocks unless you want to loose a lot of cents while invested in stocks that make no sense. They are penny stocks for a reason.

As for your previous experience trading AMD: you invested in a stock when you had no understanding of their business and its cyclical nature.


08/31/18 2:37 PM

#93956 RE: BornAtNight #93950

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