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08/31/18 10:54 AM

#79405 RE: fbg0316 #79404

Spot on! What was worse than $200m of wasted capital was 4 years of wasted TIME under DOC and Loserbardo.

Back then ADXS was almost the only non-Car-T game in town. Now we have Affirmed, Neon and Gritstone as DIRECT COMPETITORS

And guess what, all three of them have more money than we do, and are just as far along on neoantigen tech. Being 4th in a four man race is not a winning position.

We have lost a lot of leverage driving down dead ends while competitors pop up like weeds. Just as easy for any BP to buy them as us, maybe more, as we are a P1 and preclinical company on the stuff that matters.

The analogy to betamax is spot on. The Science has rivals now, some of which may be better. So it comes down to management's ability to execute, which has always been ADXS' achilles heel.

Still time to sell the beech for $7-10 and put the money in the more capable competitors as a way to play this tech.

Ask yourself, if you had to invest today, who would you choose.