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Liquid Bread

10/27/06 9:28 AM

#115735 RE: stella miravigliosa #115722

Man, you have a tough time reading those papers. I am not a lawyer, but ever I as a layman can undrestand what is being sought and what has been ordered.

The SEC sought and was granted a Temporary Restraining Order by the judge which enjoins and restrains Rufus from engaging in fraudulent activity. This, from what I have been told by atty friends, is a standard setup. It makes it easier to amened the complaint with further charges and places Rufus in danger of contempt if he violates the TRO.

The SEC sought but was not granted a Preliminary Injunction against Conversion Solutions and Rufus, which would have caused them to cease operations while the SEC continued to investigate.

The Judge Ordered that a Show Cause hearing be set for Nov 7th. At that time, the Defendants will be required to show the Court why the Motion for a Preliminary Injunction should not be granted to the SEC.

The Judge Ordered that discovery be expedited, which just means that when the SEC asks Rufus for something, he needs to give it up within three days if possible and not blow them off like he did before.

All of these orders are to force Rufus and company to comply with the investigation and ultimately to determine if the SEC has enough to continue to pursue the civil litigation.
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Fhal or Die trying

10/27/06 9:29 AM

#115736 RE: stella miravigliosa #115722

Here I will teach you go sit down and listen.

In order to get a permanent TRO they will need to validate RPH claims on the bonds. Which means they will go to the source to see if he has the bonds in an account at Euro clear? If he doesn’t the SEC will seek the permanent injunction and request that full TRO compliant be adopted. Upon the conclusion of the hearing they will sever RPH with a fraud indictment for Securities fraud.

Since the SEC is forced to show who owns the bonds. When the bonds are proven to CSHD's the SEC will have to withdraw their complaint or the court will throw it out.

There is no way for the SEC to get around showing cause on the 7th. The only acceptable cause is proof of the bond ownership.

Anyway, Why do you care? Sitting hear bashing is not going to change to stock price. Or is it that you are new to the Job and need the practice.