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VA Patriot

10/27/06 9:27 AM

#212958 RE: M-16 LONG BLAST #212942

OT: Now that is the best post I've read on here. Period.
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10/27/06 9:31 AM

#212959 RE: M-16 LONG BLAST #212942

Semper Fi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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10/27/06 12:07 PM

#213067 RE: M-16 LONG BLAST #212942

OT, M-16, do mourn for your losses more than most from afar
and publicly respect the sense of duty and love of country
which sends so many of your young to war.

However, it saddens me greatly that with all the evidence available
so many, though each day of decreasing numbers, can continue
to support the war in Iraq, arguably one of the greatest follies
of any past and present president of that great country of yours.

My support for those in your forces and for you lies with those who are
intent on bringing them home safely to their loved ones, at the earliest
possible moment.

Personally prayer has never given solace to me as just cannot feel
any direct causal relationship, between it, in itself, and future events.

Please don't see any disrespect for your and others feelings
and position on this most important question, especially
with your election just 3 weeks around the corner, just
felt like, in all honesty, replying to your post to make
my position clear to those on this board with whom I have
made an acquaintance, on this most important question

For those so inclined, a Bob Dylan message to those who profit, from war...

In all sincerity, Jimmy.