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08/29/18 11:37 AM

#17788 RE: 236T568 #17787

Is there anything real about this company?


08/30/18 11:45 AM

#17791 RE: 236T568 #17787

Ha! and just when you thought that GTBP couldn't get any sleazier

GTBP issues the same misleading Big Pharma pump press release TODAY that it issued YESTERDAY

here is today's pump PR:

How scam companies do it

First GTBP issues a pump PR about a relationship with a big billion dollar Pharma company THAT IS UNNAMED...

then today they issue another pump PR with the name of a big billion dollar Pharman company, Roche-Genetech, in the title of the PR to make it appear as though this is the big Pharma company that GTBP claims has the relationship with...


nope, today's pump PR only discusses the relationship between the big Pharma company and another company, Affirmed, with no relationship to scam company GTBP

not surprised though

and why is this not surprising?

because this is what scam companies do!


09/06/18 2:57 PM

#17794 RE: 236T568 #17787

Yeah, that headline is a little deceptive, but not surprising when they appear be more involved in their promo campaigns than research.