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08/29/18 11:10 AM

#60883 RE: rapz #60880

Excellent post. Thank you


08/29/18 11:14 AM

#60884 RE: rapz #60880

Great Post,

The letters from DR. sawyer had nothing to do with the case against apple.

A lot of people on here are trying to discredit their wins at the PTAB, but it means exactly what you say, that the best technical & legal experts Apple/Verizon/Att/Unified Patents could not find a flaw in Voip-Pals patents.

As for the delay, we have some new judges to the panel, and as you mention it appears the PTAB is going through a reform. With any division fo the government, Im not surprised its taking this long. Sometimes its just the name of the game.

Im taking this dip in PPS to really add to my numbers, IMHO everyone else should too.


08/29/18 12:27 PM

#60891 RE: rapz #60880

Great points on VPLM'S situation with aapl. aapl, however, could open IPRs in the new case, but guessing they learned their lesson!


08/29/18 1:44 PM

#60900 RE: rapz #60880

Some fair points but I find numerous holes in what you've said. 1st, you didn't answer his direct question as far as I could tell. It looks like you skirted all around it. It was specifically about the new (they're not so new anymore to this case, ie, 9+ mos since appointment to this case).

As to the "technical challenges", which they were, when considering & keeping in mind the known deep corruption, which has been very much covered here, and was not simply one judge, that means any and all ptab decisions are tainted. You can disagree all you wasn't, if you see fit, but there is no getting around the taint. The corruptions ran deep & wide. I'm not going to go over the specifics & details of it here, again, as it's been well covered here, but it went to the top of the ptab & an entire panel had to be replaced (no reason given) plus admitted (unbelievable) panel stacking, a numerous list of other judges (both from ptab & circuit) were published (and posted here by myself) with all sorts of conflicts of interest & nary a one recused themselves from any cases, before being outed, to my knowledge, which in turn does more than suggest how deep, wide & rampant the culture of being on the take in one way or the other, existed.

Therefore, what that means to me is that no decisions they handed down, at any time, in any case, can be considered fair & just. That is why the panel was removed immediately w/o reason, upon the head judges receipt of the sawyer letter & the threat of federal Rico charges were made. Anyone can argue against that, if they choose, but it's as obvious as it gets, as far as I'm concerned. And as I've pointed out several times, once a gov't agency is shown to be corrupt, not only are all their decisions become tainted, but the idea that you and so many other have, that they are in bed w/silicon valley, which appears to be true, does not preclude it's limited to silicon valley, or, for that matter, to big dog voip companies who are accused infringers. No, it is not limited to them. Those that think that, need to open their eyes and think out of the box.

I've explained the well known and indisputable fact that corruption follows the money & nothing else. So just because that money is normally seen to come from silicon valley & other similar type companies, ie, those who are seen as infringers, the I knew can just as well come from a pro vplm cabal. I've laid out how there would be perhaps more money and pressure available via such a pro vplm cabal, to want to see vplm succeed, than there are individual silica valley infringers whom vplm are suing.

It makes perfect sense that w/the unheard of, unprecedented kind of power & money, such as has been touted and verified, that owners of the patents could potentially realize, that makes it a game changer from the norm. There are a huge number of very large fortunes that could and would be made, via the owners of the patents and with all the avenues of reaping the massive windfalls that are available to the owners of the company or simply the owners of large numbers of shares in the company.

Therefore, I can guarantee you that there is major pressure being applied IN FAVOR of vplm to win win win. And thst means that its entirely possible that just like the older ptab rulings thst went against vplm (for institution) which were all overruled in the end, so too, could then November sweep be the product of corrupt influence put upon that ptab panel, to rule in favor of vplm. And that, would also easily explain the unexpected & unprecedented nature of such a 180° turnaround. Nothing can prove that was not the case EXCEPT a deep going through of the merit issues, allegedly 125 of them (but it's not really 125 because there were numerous duplications) by a qualified person or persons. As far as I'm concerned, since it took a bevy of what I assume to be bona fide electrical & telephony engineers, to create & write these patents, allegedly 20 of them, at an alleged cost of approx $17 mm, then I believe it would take the same level of engineering knowledge & expertise, in order to read & fully comprehend & then conclude, that the language in the ptab trial & decision, which covers such alleged merit.

I don't believe that anyone here has that ability to read the transcripts and from that, because able to vet or verify or determine such merit. I'm not saying, and never have said that such merit does not indeed exist, I'm simply saying it hasn't been proven to me and I believe wholeheartedly in the pro vplm cabal theory of pressure could just as easily have been put upon the ptab to rule in favor of vplm, as they did.

pin high

08/29/18 2:33 PM

#60910 RE: rapz #60880


We sit and wait!!