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08/27/18 8:08 AM

#143005 RE: King Bolaba #143004

Great article, I liked the part when they said it was stronger than Kevlar. Hated the part when they brought up Bolt Threads. But all in all a nice article. Nice find King.


08/27/18 8:41 AM

#143010 RE: King Bolaba #143004

good line...

“The spider silk material is not only stronger than steel, it’s stronger than Kevlar, the usual bulletproof material used for military and police personnel.”

It’s also lighter.. more flexible and more comfortable than the materials used in everything from parachutes to tents to under clothing protection...



08/27/18 9:03 AM

#143012 RE: King Bolaba #143004

Thanks for the great article, KB. News about KBLB cannot be kept under wraps for much longer, since we keep seeing more and more articles about the company. Tick tock.....


08/27/18 12:40 PM

#143019 RE: King Bolaba #143004

"And Monster Silk and Dragon Silk aren’t even the end of the web for Kraig scientists who also have weaved four new distinct transgenic lines, which use the most complex genetic designs in the company’s history. On top of the new lines, the lab also produced a new genetic insertion design for more effective gene splicing, according to their website. “This new design incorporated the properties of both Dragon Silk and Monster Silk into a single construction. This experiment to merge Monster Silk’s elasticity focus with the strength focus of Dragon Silk into a single package was the logical next step for the technology.” Where this will lead to next, we shall see."

The potential here is infinite, astronomical, gigantic, unfathomable...well you get the idea! GO KBLB!


08/27/18 2:14 PM

#143026 RE: King Bolaba #143004

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Looks like it to me.

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