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08/25/18 3:57 PM

#287490 RE: nlightn #287488

Beware of anyone who wears religion on their sleeve...
“This may not be our preferred candidate (Pence), but that doesn’t mean it may not be God’s candidate to do something that we don’t see,” said David Barton, a prominent Christian-right activist and president of Wall Builders, an organization dedicated to making the U.S. government enforce “biblical values."


08/25/18 6:58 PM

#287498 RE: nlightn #287488

unfortunately, in my opinion, Mueller will never have the opportunity (desire?) to reel in all of the corruption in our government.
and, corruption is legal now the the Supreme Court decisions that uphold the "free speech" of dollars and corporate personhood without corporate social responsibility.

Elizabeth Warren's efforts to curb government corruption may be a place to start.

unfortunately, this effort will not be backed fully by democrats, and certainly not at all by republicans, as there is little interest in actually governing for the people.