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08/24/18 7:53 PM

#142926 RE: fastlane #142892

Will you give a specific scenario where KBLB succeeds but the shareholders get screwed

I'm not saying this will happen, just giving you a scenario.

Kim needs financing. We ready knows he wants to invest 50 million dollars in vietnam.

As an example he has to dilute shares to get the 50 mil.
He does a reverse split then has to dilute at an extreame level to get the funds needed, effectively making share holders value a fraction of what it is now.

Hence the reason we hover at 6 cents. Some investors are waiting on financing info before they buy in.

I'm just giving you a scenario. There are many other ways to finance that wouldn't be as harmful to shareholders.


08/25/18 3:29 AM

#142933 RE: fastlane #142892

Easy. He sells the company at twice the share price. So let’s say you own 1.35M shares like I do, and let’s say the share price is .06 giving value of $81,000. Company gets sold at .12 cents per share, is taken private, and shareholders get cash for shares. I’d get $162,000 which seems like a great $81,000 profit but it sucks. Here’s why it sucks and why I’d feel screwed. I’d be taken out of the spidersilk game after waiting like 10 years for something big to happen with this technology. So instead of potentially making a lot more than double my investment I’d be completely out of the game.

A scenario happened to me with a company that had the best LED technology back when TV’s were still LCD and now almost every TV is made with LED technology. I got in at $6 per share and another company swooped in and bought the company for $12 cash per share. My initial investment was $6,000 and I got $12,000 so while I doubled my money, I got taken out of the best public pure play in LED technology. The company was bought out by a huge Japanese chemical company and they got a steal because now LED tech is in just about every new TV and screen Worldwide. My $6,000 would be worth a lot more today I think had the company not sold itself. That sale occurred less than a year after I got into it.

But here, my money has been parked in KBLB for a long time so I also have missed opportunity costs in terms of other investments and lost time. I just believe we have a similar game-changing technology as this silk could change the way even everyday silk clothes are made and very cheaply if and when KBLB starts actually making silk. We could literally see KBLB’s silk replace regular silk in every product in the World that is currently made from silkworm silk. I’m talking about regular clothes. All the ballistic-wear talk is nice, but think about everything mundane and less exciting that is made with regular silkworm silk. That should also be our target market because KBLB silk - I predict - will be seen as far superior to regular silkworm silk and will eventually replace it in products to reduce fraying and make higher quality silk fabrics. We’ll see. A lot has to go right for this to happen the way I want it to. And we could still see one or more of our silks used in medical or other applications. I’m cautiously optimistic but also very frustrated by the fact we’re not making any silk to sell to private customers yet. The Army contract is nice, but I think there is another more profitable path in thread and fabric in general which I am hoping will happen starting with Prodigy Textiles Co.

Dilution sucks too. Too much dilution would be terrible for me.

Still waiting. IMHO