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08/23/18 11:54 AM

#238214 RE: To infinity and beyond! #238212

I concur. P2b failed. That's why Leo didn't give us the Interim report (another promise he broke).

Don't expect him to announce 'failure'. Data will be spun and 'Cherry Picked', if disclosed at all.

what could be more obvious? p2b failed

Positive results of any kind any woulda been announced with a banner across route 128, or with a bullhorn at the steps in the Beverly office, or with a jubilant PR- or even all of the above- after months of total desperation and near death now


08/23/18 12:02 PM

#238219 RE: To infinity and beyond! #238212

By fail I assume you mean the primary outcome of PASI scoring? If so, what does failure look like? 20% above 75? 30%? Higher?


08/23/18 3:03 PM

#238241 RE: To infinity and beyond! #238212

"what could be more obvious? p2b failed"

You are a broken record.

What's in this for you? Are you short? Are you on somebody's payroll? Did Leo harm you in some way?


08/23/18 6:38 PM

#238258 RE: To infinity and beyond! #238212

You have no doubt read KarinCa and many other posts re how long and complex it is to prepare and analyze data. Are you disregarding all of that and still maintain that the 2b failed? Based on what? Have you ever gone into the journals to review completed research, i.e. data that has been scrubbed, statistical tests chosen, completed, maybe scrapped and then recut, presented in so many different ways. Maybe you should try and get through some. It takes a while and as noted, we are not talking about a huge staff. Doing the statistical analyses is easy, mostly automate after it has been entered (in itself not so easy), the rest is not.