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08/22/18 12:29 PM

#5731 RE: ash111 #5730

I believe that will come one day. But apparently even the managment disagree with that with issuing warrants that are the same price as offering. So they are not expecting the share price to go up some day? If they really need the money just offer all in shares instead of warrants and make a statement that they believe the share price shall only worth 1.50/ share.

Understood that they need funding to run all the operations to get things done but this is not the way to do it.

I have never seen the underwriter downgrade the target price right before offering. Underwriter has no confidence at all.

I am already out. Liked you DD will be back soon. Hope you hang on to your shares or whatever you feel like doing. But hope to see you soon here. Will watch on sideline for now.