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08/20/18 11:34 AM

#53269 RE: freddumbo #53267

Right, I believe the trace amount is too small.
Just read the inactive ingredients in a pill on your shelf.
Many of these are liquid suspensions, edible polymerase based substances.
The dna marker would be too small to be mentioned.
Anyway, there were extensive tests done with the fda last September and October using the APDN marker.
APDN passed them all.
We have yet to be apprised of “fda approval needed” in any CC or press release.
My emails to Sanjay and the responses do not list this as being needed or something the company is waiting on.
Dasmortes or shark can question the company on this. I’ve done my job, and I say it is not something that is needed.

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08/20/18 1:16 PM

#53275 RE: freddumbo #53267

Throwing the term sophistry into our bottle fights is more than enough Fred. Proud of you:) Nice little pump today for apparently no reason at all. Who's at the controls here anyway?

And no malice or slight, it is insightful to look at backgrounds and ethnicities when looking at international business deals. Pleasanton (Safetraces) certainly has more familial ties to the Levant (mid-East) than Jim Hayward. Due to complexities as expounded on our double-helix, there was no single factor of Safetraces over us.

And I do wish them well in the exchange of harsh words (oh no!) being snapped back and forth between US and Republic of Turkey.

Thanks for getting this far. Side note of edification. Term and origin of the word RACE, not scientifically correct. In-breeding worked for me. Irish Catholic heritage (BIG TIME). Back in the sixties, the term race was explained to me as first being applied by the British, on the WILD IRISH MEN. They were then captured and enslaved.

Early English colonies brought in easiest labor acquired and managed. Native Americans and Wild Irishmen stocks , ahh, handy. 'Cept a little rowdy and difficult to find when they escaped as they blended in with either primary populations in the surrounding area. Africans, on the other hand, stood out.

Can't find any web page at the moment to support that. Thanks for spurring me on to look though. An excerpt from a learned scholar to back my case.

by Audrey Smedley
Anthropology Newsletter, November 1997 AND THE LINK

Contemporary scholars agree that "race" was a recent invention and that it was essentially a folk idea, not a product of scientific research and discovery. This is not new to anthropologists. Since the 1940s when Ashley Montagu argued against the use of the term "race" in science,.... .race was institutionalized beginning in the 18th century as .....human differences arose out of the context of African slavery. But many peoples throughout history have been enslaved without the imposition of racial ideology. When we look at 17th century colonial America before the enactment of laws legitimizing slavery only for Africans and their descendants (after 1660), several facts become clear.

1) The first people that the English tried to enslave and place on plantations were the Irish with whom they had had hostile relations since the 13th century.

2) Some Englishmen had proposed laws enslaving the poor in England and in the colonies to force them to work indefinitely.

3) Most of the slaves on English plantations in Barbados and Jamaica were Irish and Indians.

4) Many historians point out that African servants and bonded indentured white servants were treated much the same way. They often joined together, as in the case of Bacon's Rebellion (1676) to oppose the strict and oppressive laws of the colonial government......

Really Thanks for Getting This Far.

Still Believing though got some Grievances
Mike Sharkey