Merger with another company = new company has to pay shareholders out. The difference in price will be the conversion. What would you rather pay when buying something: more or less money?
They are doing a merger. They won’t tell us until they have to which will be when they file an 8k to announce their intentions. My guess is it’s coming no later than October/November so they have time to uplist before end of year if that is still the plan and if they can actually pull it off in 4 months. That is a VERY big if because I don’t think it’s realistic in that short time span. My guess is they merge and then uplist next year unless of course they are merging with a senior exchange company which would be huge but is a little more complicated so I’m not sure. Either way they have very obviously been positioning the company for this for at least two years.
We will see but I’m sticking with it to see how all this plays out and if this fellar can pull it off.