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Harry Winston

08/18/18 4:09 PM

#47148 RE: madeindet #47146

Isn’t there a fiduciary duty of the CFO to put out timely audited financials K/Qs and 8K for material events?

It's even better than that. There are laws enforced by the SEC and the courts that require that publicly-traded U.S.-based corporations file quarterly and annual reports, plus 8-Ks whenever there are material changes, like the transfer of a majority of our voting shares from Bitzio to Attis.

The fact that the Greenshift Corporation is breaking this law is grounds for an SEC investigation. I filed an online complaint a few months ago with the SEC, but because they missed the deadline for filing the 10-Q for the first quarter of this year, I have a reason to file another complaint with the SEC.