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08/18/18 5:24 AM

#1827 RE: zino #1826

That is great, but what market share do they have. Small biotechs, even with good products have a tough time bringing products to market. Even large pharmas, with a portfolio of drugs in the bag generally take 2.5 yrs for peak market penetration.

Look at AYTU cash burn, they are going to need more money short order. If AYTU is sued, and it turns into a class action based on the omissions in the prospectus and pitch deck, coupled with definitive statements that seem to be fraudulent by AYTU execs at the dog and pony shows may void their insurance coverage.

If the case is filed I think it will turn into a class action as these claims affected a whole class of investors. discovery and depositions will most likely be made public. Could get very interesting.

I liked the product, rolled the dice on the offering but never expected the Company to do what they did.