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08/17/18 10:30 AM

#108053 RE: I FAR I #108052

Hmmmm, let's face reality now, that fantasy land is over...

MMEX...There will be No RS - yet...But an expected PR with updates on financing and progress with regards to the 10,000 bbl/day CDU construction will cause a spike in share price and volume.

There's not been any decent spike in price due to any "PR with updates" in fact, the pps has always gone down after the sell off to people THINKING it was a good "PR"

Looking forward, after the completion of the 10,000 bbl/day CDU next year, we may then get a MAJOR news release concerning a JV with a BIG oil company that's willing to help finance the 100,000 bbl/day full-scale refinery.

JV with a BIG oil company. HMMMMM, the big oil companies have petty cash if they wanted to build one, they would do so by themselves. They don't need the wannabe!

MMEX and Jack Hanks will want to retain significant equity in the project however - And they can, by helping to foot the bills. That cash won’t come from the OTC however, but more likely from a JV with a big company which would lead to an explosion upwards in share price...THEN a possible RS so as to trade on a higher exchange and get access to millions of more dollars due to a successful JV.

Once again, no JV. Plus, read the 10K jack said he would have to give up a major percentage, seriously diluting the shareholders even further.

That is the logical path forward for MMEX and any smart company with ties to the oil-fields...So don't snooze and lose, but instead buy more MMEX shares while they're not-so-hot!

This is just more "fake" carrots on a longer stick. The longer stick is so the jackass/donkey can't tell the difference, not that it matters to him.
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08/17/18 12:00 PM

#108054 RE: I FAR I #108052

The NASDAQ won’t happen for few years. MMEX needs to meet several requirements to qualify for up list! Mean time things go well, PPS will do just fine at OTC.
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08/17/18 12:24 PM

#108055 RE: I FAR I #108052

that's not true as being proven by ongoing pps decline!
This is false claims to mislead and manipulate!!!
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07/26/19 2:39 PM

#118203 RE: I FAR I #108052

Everyone's seen the build-up of false claims before. Recall the wildly false claims prior to the first MMEX-scam reverse split.

This is just one example, proclaiming (falsely) that "There will be No RS - yet..." these sorts of things surface just before the big disaster, in this case MMEX-scam's inevitable second reverse split. That particular false claim was made less than a month before MMEX-scam's first reverse split, when it was obvious that a reverse split was inevitable.

B.S. like buy-outs, a "JV with a BIG oil company," the infamous $5.13, "financing is done," "construction has started (complete with a fake photo!)" and on and on, for more than two years.

MMEX-scam's wheels have come off. The share printing-press is burning up. MMEX-scam has diluted retail shareholders by 165,545,693 shares in just the last 28 trading days.

There's nothing going on here but massive, crushing dilution, loss generation, and wash-out of retail shareholders.

MMEX - You've Been Scammed!

MMEX...There will be No RS - yet...But an expected PR with updates on financing and progress with regards to the 10,000 bbl/day CDU construction will cause a spike in share price and volume.

Looking forward, after the completion of the 10,000 bbl/day CDU next year, we may then get a MAJOR news release concerning a JV with a BIG oil company that's willing to help finance the 100,000 bbl/day full-scale refinery.

MMEX and Jack Hanks will want to retain significant equity in the project however - And they can, by helping to foot the bills. That cash won’t come from the OTC however, but more likely from a JV with a big company which would lead to an explosion upwards in share price...THEN a possible RS so as to trade on a higher exchange and get access to millions of more dollars due to a successful JV.

That is the logical path forward for MMEX and any smart company with ties to the oil-fields...So don't snooze and lose, but instead buy more MMEX shares while they're not-so-hot!

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10/11/19 11:26 AM

#118733 RE: I FAR I #108052


MMEX...There will be No RS - yet...But an expected PR with updates on financing and progress with regards to the 10,000 bbl/day CDU construction will cause a spike in share price and volume.

Right before the Reverse Split