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08/14/18 10:06 PM

#44990 RE: thehumanchessmachine #44988

It really had potential but these clowns are all over the map. They are turning into TRTurd. The losses are growing gangbusters and we are losing market share on everything except new labs who have no comparable. Losing business all over in Oregon with a lot of excuses and now they talk about increased competition. Last Q it was the glut and now customers have moved and all inventory wasn't tested and now it is tested sitting in warehouse etc. We really don't know what to believe other than these clowns are incompetent They had 1/4 of labs and had marketing power. They needed to keep their customers and should have done things to retain these customers even if it meant taking a loss to do business. I have rentals and will tell you they are well maintained and unless their is someone buying a house I retain a very high percentage by doing what is necessary even competing against low income housing. Certainly you understand this in your business also. Their are exceptions but why is the competition taking so much market share. Really speechless to these results and their cookie cutter approach. LMAO and it is now clear after reading the 10Q at the bottom as to why we have not moved up to a higher exchange. They do not have to disclose a lot of things if they stay right where they are at. Total POS management and nobody can convince me different. The 10k will show how much money WW siphons off to his other company as a consultant. Unbelievable IMO. It is always the next Q and after a year results are worse. They need to go period top to bottom but then again is that why we are down. They are always hiring in Oregon we must really ask ourselves why? Like rentals turnover will ruin you.