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08/15/18 12:35 PM

#321 RE: walhall #320

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
Mr. Montano, you were kicked out of the company due to complete incompetence. By the by, please point out any inaccuracies in the Dan Montano's Fraudulent Activity Once again you are incorrect. This is not about Mr. Wallen, it is about Cardiovascular Biotherapeutics.
Mr. Montano and all others on the board should reread the lawyer's comments.

"Lin4W’s recent anonymous posting (#315) relating to Larry Meyerson PhD is riddled with misleading and false information in an obvious attempt by a wanna-be competitor to CVBT to disparage CVBT and the talented individuals who are trying to bring CVBT’s invaluable healing products to market. Larry Meyerson does not have, and never will have, any involvement with the Tauren bankruptcy case. CVBT does not have, and never will have, any involvement with the Tauren bankruptcy case. The adversary proceedings in Tauren bankruptcy involve typical statutory claims in a bankruptcy proceeding against a former officer of Tauren. Those statutory claims will ultimately be resolved with no effect upon CVBT. Lin4W’s comments demonstrate either (i) a total ignorance of the bankruptcy process and/or (ii) a deliberate pattern of intentional and malicious falsehoods. My bet is on the latter. I challenge Lin4W to identify himself to all those who may choose to read his trash."

As the lawyer suggests; identify yourself to prove you are not Dan Montano (or one of his minions). Should we wait????


08/19/18 1:45 PM

#322 RE: walhall #320

I agree, identify yourself. When the Yahoo board was up, Momtano or his minions authored many derogatory posts.

But we still have problems as CVBT has not submitted anything to the SEC since 2016. Somebody in CVBT please respond to this fact.