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08/16/18 8:55 AM

#656 RE: 420Hope #640

I get what your saying. But I did point out weeks ago about the picture in facebook pointing out that the share structure would increase to 200 million shares. It was one of their convention presentations, and that was posted on june 4th. So, based on that, we still have 5-7 million more that haven't been used yet. I did also mention that I would prefer if they address the debt quicker, especially since they now have 5 million in cash that can be applied. However, since this is an idustry where banks can be charged with money laundering for touching mj money, I can see why current businesses are being careful as to how much cash to use for what.

They are also taking care of older debtsat the same time as new debt arrives. It'll remain that way until the company starts producing the double digit millions in quarterly revs. Current assets did dramatically increase for the quarter, and as long as that continues, than it's a step in the right direction, and not all liabities are the same. Do keep watching both each quarter.

I didn't learn how to read filings right away. The biggest help was becoming familiar with GAAP guidelines. That, and I've been working on my associates in accounting. I figure between getting a bookekeeping certification, and my 9 years of retail management experience, I'm hoping to land a job in the new industry.