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08/14/18 7:19 PM

#2079 RE: rickn23 #2077

Agree. Llama is already a proven brand. All the social media traffic during Netflix lunch reinforced that. GBI simply needs to properly execute.

RR a different story. But fact Nick chose debuting five days a week is significant. Clearly they like what they’ve seen.

Question now is, will Public?

Revs pushed way out. Clearly their channel is bringing in minimal $$. Disappointing but not unexpected. This company and its brands are relatively unknown. Been taking the best of four years to build.

Certainly talent and experience are there for RR to be a star. But will it?

Like the spin offs ideas too. Wider audience. Not just girls (maybe) But Strawberry Shortcake was all girl and it was a tremendous multi $B brand. So it’s possible.

Andy was clear with his opinion. “Patient investors will be rewarded handsomely.” He’s certainly put his money where his mouth is.

Also, last caller questioned what future holds past Llama and RR? Frankly I don’t think Andy wants one. He wants to build these two, then sell. Get out. He’s no spring chicken.

Go out on a high note and enjoy retirement