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08/14/18 3:09 PM

#20633 RE: BillJay #20629

Go TMPS, FAKE NEWS is the only news here!


08/14/18 3:32 PM

#20642 RE: BillJay #20629


Summer 2017

TMPS restructures (takes a lot of time to unravel) Filed 5/8/17 Schedule 13D

Johan Eliasch (billionaire CEO of Head N.V.) extends a $6.2MM convertible note for a G-IV Aircraft that is currently being used for a mission and generating revenue Filed 5/8/17 10% SENIOR SECURED CONVERTIBLE NOTE

Johan Askel Bergendorff (Corporate Development Director Head N.V.) is named CFO Filed 6/15/17 8K

TMPS announces acquisition of six L-1011s Filed 8/14/17 8K

Spring/Summer 2018

TMPS continues to finalize restructure

Johan Eliasch extends maturity date on the convertible note Filed 4/30/18 8K

Johan Classen (Claasen Group International) agrees to concessions in order to finalize the acquistion of the L-1011s and allows TMPS to take title to the aircraft ASAP Filed 3/9/18 8K

L-1011s were acquired with equity and NOT DEBT. Why would Johan Classen do that? Maybe it's because the revenues and business the L-1011s will generate might cause the stock price to rise? Filed 8/14/17 PRESS RELEASE DATED AUGUST 14, 2017, ANNOUNCING THE ACQUISITION BY THE COMPANY

TMPS Today

Marketing the L-1011s and getting them mission ready

Bidding on contracts, one we know for sure (could boost revenues tenfold)

Only debt on the balance sheet is with Johan Eliasch (TMPS Co-Owner & billionaire)


TMPS fleet isn't even fully operational

TMPS isn't even close to being at their full potential

And people ask why some of us are still here?

Their business plan is barely starting to come to fruition

I'll bet on their fleet (once fully operational) generating revenue any day of the week

This is why I'm still here. TMPS continues to roll forward and not backward. Of course there are challenges, but every business has them, especially one that is in the beginning stages of a turnaround.

You can get in on TMPS for $0.06 at a market cap of 1.148MM. The value of their fleet alone is worth a whole hell of a lot more than that.