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08/14/18 2:25 PM

#44044 RE: IpickW1NNERS #44042

When it gets back to $4, it will probably proceed to go much higher than that.

What you see now is an all out effort by BT to basically destroy a small company. There are many other examples like this throughout the course of industrialized (and post industrialization) America.

Some of these tactics include trying to wreck share price and make the company seem unstable. Part of that tactic includes heavy shorting and paying people to make moronic and negative comments about the stock while posing as investors on stock boards. It seems like a minor thing and it is, but it's also true. The reality is that some very highly regarded institutions have been increasing their stakes in XXII.

Best to BUY, as you say, put the shares up on a shelf in the back of the closet and check back in on them next year - I don't think you'll be disappointed. And while you're on your break, check out, "The Signal and the Noise", by Nate Sliver to better put this whole thing in perspective.