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08/14/18 1:56 PM

#11682 RE: Samshalom1 #11680

Honestly, the one thing I can not believe out of all this with the proxie...even outside of the third time of a preliminary, multiple canceled meetings, etc. on and on in an unprofessional manner is acting like the current stock price is not relative to and at least some what the responsibility of the CEO and how he has dismissed shareholders and not responded to emails and phone calls and acted like this is a private business in dealing with shareholders as such. He takes no responsibility for anything period and does not seem to understand how just a little hard work on his part dealing with that aspect along the way could have made a huge difference in where we are currently at IMHO. Upsetting. Now he all of a sudden needs our votes. I will be one who will be voting NO on giving them cart blanch decision to do a RS without us voting on it after looking over the deal and reasoning at the time considering how that usually destroys value in most current stockholders holdings on OTC. Hopefully others will do the same. I mean, honestly, on that one specific vote, are you kidding me? Wow. Just can not believe they had the balls to put that on there after everything since January. AND EVEN UPPED THE MAX TO 100 TO 1! Plus, why are we voting on ratifying a sale from January of the VR business? Maybe because they may have potentially sold ALL the assets of a public company to a past exec and insider? Do some research on that. Very strange.

Either way, I am no expert and could be totally wrong on all this since it is just my humble opinion as a small investor and each person should make their own investment decisions. But IMHO the CEO needs to own up to some of this instead of trying to sweep it under the rug with a HUGE RS. Starting with less then 50m shares out in January there should have been ZERO(10% of authorized) need for a RS at any time in the near future from that point forward. And, he should have anticipated the damage that large option holder could do and gone and dealt with that before the announcement in January to protect the shareholders. JMHO.

On a brighter note, as you stated, lets get this meeting done so we can change the name and move on with officially being a blockchain company. That alone could help the stock price with a ticker change etc and over time with good PR make it so we build our reputation back in the investment community. And of course, start and continue to respond to shareholders! Unlike the insiders we do not have stock that we can execute warrants on post reverse split. All we have is our current shares. Please stop looking at investor relations as an afterthought. We are human beings and that is our hard earned money you just used to buy all that mining equipment! Start treating us accordingly!


08/14/18 4:45 PM

#11689 RE: Samshalom1 #11680

So the LOI and two postponed meetings are the "many things that didn't pan out". A Letter of intent is not an agreement for some kind of action but only to explore a specific possibility. Which they did and decided not to go forward with it. I thought it was a bad deal when it was announced and I'm glad it "didn't pan out" as you say. In my opinion the meetings have been postponed because the price of Cryptos is still recovering from the 2017 FOMO spike. Again I'm glad they are waiting. The website as you point out has not been announced yet so it "officially' does not exist at this point. I only follow the price of other related tickers and not their press releases. If they are releasing news it does not seem to be helping their stock price. So again I think they should wait and just keep building. I understand the frustration. I have been here since 1/18 and averaged down from .17 to .017. I don't like it either but I do believe block-chain is here to stay and it's only a matter of time before ETFs are approved and the big money comes gushing in.