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08/13/18 6:02 AM

#26895 RE: PNW_Ironman #26893

In my opinion this is the only right answer. Too many Billions in the game. BP are not going to kill there own cash cow. Every month of delay is worth hundred Millions. What can they do in order to delay? 5% of the monthly profit can move mountains.

With the proven success of PRO 140 how do you explain any HIV deadly sick guy that he is going to die as I need more proves. Sorry, wait another year,....or 2 or 3 and die on the side effects?

This is a pure money game, or who is involved is interested in healing deadly sick people? I believe some on this board feel sorry enough for the guys and hope in the interest of these guys that PRO 140 comes on the market, but others? What or who can FDA make moving or slowly moving? Good or bad medicine? Who cares? Why is FDA not weighing the risk of damage for moving against moving? This a simple question of business ethics. Doctors are under oath of Hippocrates to help sick people.

PS: I suffered 30 years ago on something very bad and painful. I got member of an association and learned about a medicine which could help. But sorry, for my country not yet approved, a clerk sitting on his butt and I was supposed to suffer another 5 years. I bought this medicine monthly in Netherlands and was happy for many years. Till today I didn't die.