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08/12/18 6:40 AM

#6453 RE: knoxlube #6452

CytRx is a public, but all facts are hidden for us! Very difficult to find out what could happen here without real information. All my theories were wrong concerning PSS plan. I think his plan is absolutely different, his main goal is the personalised vaccine, and he just want to usw Aldox as cheap as it could. I calculated, anf ód the result is: if NC will sell 2 M Cytrx shares in December - January, all NANT co. legally used Aldox for $5 M, in the meantime exluding all other concurent BPs.
(Invested 13 M buying shares, getting back 6 M by October agreement, selling shares for 2 -3 M)
So you've time to buy and avg. down.
Only open qn is CentBio spin-off.
So I'm quite pessimist now!
Have a good rest of Sunday!
Waiting the PR on Monday!