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08/11/18 12:03 PM

#142098 RE: es1 #142096

Kim’s a true genius!!!!!!


08/11/18 12:28 PM

#142101 RE: es1 #142096

I totally agree with your post, Es1. Utterly amazing what comments are made when folks are not looking at the big picture with KBLB. It's all about frustration. This is what causes these comments/attacks against Kim.

Calm down y'all. Take a deep breath. Understand that without Kim Thompson, we would not have this investment opportunity which will eventually pay off in spades. He has put his own money and tons and tons of his own time (ten plus years) into this company. We have made huge strides this year. "CURB YOUR CRITICISM," FOLKS.
Take some time out and smell the roses while looking at what this company has accomplished this year.

Biting the hand that feeds you is not smart! GO KBLB....


08/11/18 12:38 PM

#142103 RE: es1 #142096

"But he has thought up an idea, found a way to make that idea a reality."

7 yrs ago, according to kim, all he needed was a place to set up a sericulture facility...something that has been done for 5000 years..

hes still

hes an idiot...for many reasons..

good thing he hired rice and bruce lee in Vietnam..otherwise kblb would still be in a shoe box lab at notre dame..

the best move kim could make is to just step aside and let others do what needs to be done..he can sign the docs and and smile for the pictures..

"Seems to me that those so "sophisticated" would be doing more than flipping penny stocks"

I haven't traded kblb in a long time...

"and complaining about those out there actually accomplishing something"

I haven't complained that much about rice or bruce lee....just that lump of a ceo..

"With that in mind can I ask why are they not in charge of an international high tech textile company and instead spend their time here telling us all how they know how to do it better?"

the same way you vote for a president without ever actually having been one..the same way one can have and argue their political views..

do you ask everyone who differs from you politically why they aren't president of the united states?

King Bolaba

08/11/18 12:54 PM

#142104 RE: es1 #142096

You nailed it!


08/11/18 11:54 PM

#142125 RE: es1 #142096

You got it Es, one can beca genius and a moron...!