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08/11/18 9:31 AM

#107829 RE: bildo #107828

The pps shows 100 percent chance of disaster so far. You could have lost 85 percent since groundbreaking. Facts are stronger than fantasy


08/11/18 10:00 AM

#107834 RE: bildo #107828

Hanks is a chronic liar and scammer, so his "odds" are a bit odd.

90% chance of financing. That's pretty good odds. I I were planing a hike today with a 90% chance of sun, I take a sun hat and lots of water, not a rain coat. Just makes sense IMO...."


08/11/18 10:01 AM

#107836 RE: bildo #107828

Why is it not a 100%? By now, they should know this!

90% chance of financing. That's pretty good odds. I I were planing a hike today with a 90% chance of sun, I take a sun hat and lots of water, not a rain coat. Just makes sense IMO.


08/12/18 1:51 AM

#107851 RE: bildo #107828

100 percent chance that career crook, swindler, liar, cheat, three-card monte dealer, conman, and grifter JACK HANKS is a career crook, swindler, liar, cheat, three-card monte dealer, conman, and grifter who swindles investors ~OUTT of thei munny using false stories, grandiose plans that never come to fruition, pie-in-the-sky projects that are never completed, endless toxic debt dilution and deeply discounted deals with cronies that subordinate existing non-crony investors into the dust, leaving a wake of nothing successful in over 40+ years and more than 26 business entities, all of which were munny loser fails for all investors butt JACK HANKS and his cronies and frontmen ... only broke, broken, busted, impoverished, bewildered JACK HANKS' swindle victims (aka his 'investors') behind, always wondering where their munny went.

And the answer is always the same - it went into the accounts of career crook, swindler, liar, cheat, three-card monte dealer, conman, and grifter JACK HANKS and his cronies (financiers, frontmen, and other private entities owned and CONtrolled by HANKS).

So yeah, there is 100 percent certainty that career crook, swindler, liar, cheat, three-card monte dealer, conman, and grifter JACK HANKS who has never had a successful business and has bilked and conned investors for 40+ years - sounds like good odds for joining the wake filled with broke, broken, busted, impoverished, bewildered JACK HANKS' swindle victims (aka his 'investors') behind, always wondering where their munny went. The odds of that are basically 100 percent.

On a scale of probability, there are many orders of magnitude better chance that the Sun will rise in the west tomorrow and apples will fall upward off the ground and reattach themselves to the tree, than that JACK HANKS' current scam, MMEX, will ever build any refinery or solar farm - nor even gett financing to do so.

Seriously, at least with the lottery there is SOME chance of winning, unlike with JACK HANKS scams like MMEX where there is none. Get thee to a Publix and buy some lotto tix - at least there is a CHANCE of winning with lotto tix.

Butt in JACK HANKS' investment scams like MMEX, the only winners are JACK HANKS and his cronies (toxic CONvertible debt note holders, frontmen, and the P.O. box rental stores in strip malls)