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08/08/18 2:38 PM

#56507 RE: Pstats #56506

Easy to claim things when you don't make_your_#'s_public...

STOP Sign still up with no sign of changing...
No change in SS?? No disclosure to prove that.

No audit delivered...We all know that story.

MediaCoin still going to be "any day now" after months.

Still no update on ANY movie, show or anything...

Ed needs to put up...if he wants to "move" this stock.

180,000,000 + shares traded...still at .0003


08/08/18 2:55 PM

#56508 RE: Pstats #56506

Big bounce coming here imo , volume today setting things up


08/08/18 4:29 PM

#56515 RE: Pstats #56506

Looks like SEC investigation going on now
That is why ED shut his mouth