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08/08/18 8:38 AM

#101417 RE: Funnguy77 #101415

.12 cents today!!!! Lol
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08/08/18 10:18 AM

#101422 RE: Funnguy77 #101415

So buy because a little birdie said so? tweeted too? Whats being tweeted is things we have already known. Whats not being tweeted is what management plans to do about it at their end to line up large share holders or tempt new share holders with more reasons to buy (for example: timely PR's, being more transparent of things we don't know that we should know, closing fund'ssssss) on a timely basis, or buy a large chunk themselves on the open market and put their money where their tweet is.

When tweeting and singing from the tree tops 2 funds are in escrow and 2 going through auditing weeks/months/years ago and only having one close is bird droppings on a windshield to the market. Yes I'm glad they closed (a) fund but my point is they disappointed the market. I'm glad they proved they could get it done. I'm glad for many reasons for them/us. But now I want to be glad for me and my shares after 3 years of support. it's time to get some return on investment after being a staunch supporter of ARGQ!!!

Now I grant you this is undervalued IMHO and should already be around .03 but this is manipulated penny land and the ARGQ experienced market CEO and CFO should know they blew 3 tires and only got 1 on the road and they need to do some (IR ) Investor Relations work to change them. I believe if they have the will they can move the stock the right direction and then tweet about it, but do it SOON.

Close the deals! What else has ARGQ been doing while these funds have been taking weeks/monhts/years? What is going on with Blackstone? What is going on with all the other large names in the portfolio we haven't heard about for years? What happened to the Schiek on the board of directors who knows people in Dubai and has deep money pockets? 3 years ago we got weekly big name contracts released and Big money names dropped on us. Be more transparent and give your shareholders what they deserve. Get some deep Dubai Pockets to Road assist and get the tires back on the road.

I realize the company has changed directions in their business model, but does that mean all the portfolios from the last 6 years are gone now?

Nice article/link below...Dubai mentioned a couple of times in it. Dubai has money. Being ARGQ is located their, is there no one willing to take a large stake in ARGQ?

OK, so nothing can be done about it. So counter attack them with exceptional news to chase them away! referring to tweet below

30m30 minutes ago
Good morning. We have been looking into the MM OTCX and have found out that they are an Algorithmic Platform Trader. The walk down OTCX orchestrated yesterday was more than deplorable specially when the Company is in the best position it has ever been since 2012.

This is the investors (share holders) FD -- Rule! Appreciate Share Price Smartly and get us off the pinks...QB and beyond!!!

From the tweets we been getting I believe this board is being read, and I want all to know I mean what I'm writing respectfully to management. First and foremost I'm an investor.

Broza561 Thank you for sharing your email.

