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08/07/18 10:20 PM

#6949 RE: OPKOHEALTH2022 #6944

Really is everybody losing hope because of some rumors and the lack of confidence and a bunch of ignorance. Wait till the power purchase Agreements are signed for Long Island and Connecticut into that adds over 300 million dollars worth of backlog. Actually that's 300 million if they were cash deals we make a 50% gross margin which is more than twice what we make on sales when we keep them and sell Power. Those two projects put us and profitability are projected time frames for profitability in our path profitability slides is based on our previous run rate of 25 megawatts. When we bump up the runway to 55 megawatts then get those power purchase agreement signed look at the fine print about the future run rate. They expect to do more hiring an increase in run rate based on future orders. my guess is we get another announcement before the end of the year after the other power purchase Agreements are signed. That's over 62 megawatts of power purchase agreements. Which by the way happens to put us at a net positive income with nothing else except for recurring revenue from Power purchase agreements. As I've said before we do not need to be making positive revenue for the stock to jump up significantly. All we need to do is give evidence enough for people to believe in the company and see the potential the way I do. We are getting very near
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08/08/18 8:01 AM

#6951 RE: OPKOHEALTH2022 #6944

After our first major carbon capture order, I think the overall market cap of FuelCell Energy will be greater than Bloom Energy. Not sure on share price, as I don't know the exact number of outstanding shares of each, but the overall value of the company should be greater.