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08/07/18 12:21 PM

#19837 RE: circlem #19835

Bears feel your pain...LOL...

The first stone was a killer...I felt like it would be better to just die...and I have a high pain tolerance...7 hours in the emergency room getting pumped full of morphine...they decided to release me at 5AM if I agreed not to took me 10 hour to come down...These next 2 were nothing compared to the first stone...about a week apart...I looked up ways to cleanse the kidneys to help the process I got what I deserve.

I found an energy drink that works well for me. NatureWise whole body vitality drink, zero calories, no caffeine...some vitamins C and Bs...the main ingredients are Berry Guayusa and must have gone out of business or not making the combo drink; last time I looked on Amazon it was listed but not they're not even listed. I find a drink with Guayusa only.. hint of wanting to rollover...earnings continue to be too good