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08/06/18 9:52 PM

#326856 RE: Krombacher #326855

If SEO is truly a billionaire, did he get there "by hook or by crook"?
If SEO is truly a billionaire why would he not buy out ERHC and take over the company for himself as presently that would a very, very, small portion of his net worth. Maybe he actually knows how much the assets are really worth and the assets are NOT worth spending ANY money on. Maybe SEO has other more unscrupulous plans to get the assets for much, much less than he would have to pay for by buying shares.

Has anyone ever heard it said, "I trust SEO (a Nigerian) as far as I can throw him)" ALL 300+ lbs.

Ps: I still do not believe SEO is a billionaire.


08/06/18 11:15 PM

#326857 RE: Krombacher #326855

That article pretty much sums it up, I already knew SEO wasn’t broke and washed up.


08/07/18 9:01 AM

#326858 RE: Krombacher #326855

If Offor is actually worth $5+ billion U.S. dollars (emphasis on "if"), one would have to wonder why long time shareholders would view him in any type of positive light. Considering that at a time when erhc needed just a few $million Offor refused to provide that financing and his refusal lead to the toxic convertible debt debacle that (1) wiped out all shareholder value, (2) created the need for a 1:100 r/s, (3) paved the way for issuing another 3 billion shares that are now virtually worthless, and (4) left the company still unable to pay its drilling debts and back taxes.

While Offor and PN might have some master plan to reincarnate erhc, they certainly haven't been the friend of all the investors who lost 99% of their investments.

One last thing to consider. The amount of cash erhc raised from the toxic convertible debt that wiped out almost all of its value is equal to less than 1/10 of 1% of Offor's alleged $5 billion. Anyone who saw their erhc investment wiped out by Offor's absence when the financing call was made and still view him as savior truly are existing in a new and very delusional paradigm.