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08/01/18 5:51 PM

#38492 RE: Scratchgolf #38482

I understand the emotion, but I refuse to make emotional investments...therefore for me, it is what it is and I'm going to do what I can to HELP the company, not tear them down. Everyone I've spoken to at the company over the years has been great and I've seen many of James' videos he's done for the company and even a few I found online he has done for DRTV clients in the past.

Q: "But isn't there something inside of you that cringes that this is who is running our company?"

A: Not really, what proof do you, me or anyone else have that he's a bad guy? He's pretty direct and upfront about not paying lip service to investors and even said on several occasions to not buy shares if you don't believe in the company, what other CEO does that? I respect that.

I'm just saying all the talk about "Ballas" being a scammer, fraud, etc, etc is pure and total fantasy (with no proof)...Unless someone can bring REAL PROOF to the table. Sending conspiracy theories and screenshots of I-hub chats to government officials isn't going to do that!