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07/31/18 12:53 PM

#48651 RE: Flr1 #48649

Flr, maybe there's something to all this; I guess we'll see. As for this ole boy, I'm not into the hybrid/cloning part of life. God created the plant for medicinal purposes eons ago, and some in society are just now waking up to the fact that this is an herb, not a weed. And I doubt man can make a better product than the one the Creator created.

My point is, why not just harvest the best of strains already created, get 'em to market, and into the hands of the customer?

James, grow the stuff, harvest it, and sell it. Forget the rocket science. More and more people are wanting what you got. Do you really need these former pharma experts on your team? After all, for years they were workin' against you and your endeavor. Let's roll.


P.S. - - - We investors could use the results of some of your product in the market place, too, James. It's the long green stuff, and what one might call an investor return for the money we loaned you to help get your venture up an' running.


08/01/18 9:09 AM

#48654 RE: Flr1 #48649

With Monsanto and Dow senior scientist GrennGro will be able to create the new "Super Strains" that will become extremely popular. The best part, it's a patent, any sales will produce a percentage of the profit, anywhere in the world.