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07/30/18 8:18 PM

#68 RE: copesjc #67

Yeah, that was my understanding with the trials too. The deal should close with YOFOTO in the next few weeks, just in time for folks returning from the summer slumber. Should be a solid catalyst to move up back to some previous levels. Yeah, I was here too last year, but sold to get into some other plays. Now that those plays are set, I came back on a whim and stumbled across the YOFOTO deal 2 days ago. I'm a LT guy normally, so I figured I place my bet and ride it out. I'm figuring this is a stock that will take time to produce serious returns, so I have a 2--3 year horizon to allow the clinical studies to lead the way for better or worse. Although I do see this returning >1.00 within the next 6-12 months.



08/01/18 5:30 PM

#69 RE: copesjc #67

Correct, RCH-01 is in phase II trials, testing efficiency. This is being completed by Shiseido.

Lee Buckler said on twitter that Shiseido hasn't provided a deadline for trial results but they're expecting to hear results in September/October timeframe. If the results are positive and demonstrate the treatment is effective, Japan has a law that allows for Phase III trials to be skipped and Shiseido will take it straight to market launch. If this occurs and goes to market launch before the end of the year, Shiseido pays Replicel 30 Million dollars immediately as well as milestone and royalty payments as time goes on.

Huge potential if RCH-01 goes to market, not just for the stock but also for folks suffering from hair loss.