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Stock Guy777

07/27/18 9:31 AM

#150155 RE: joseph pareti #150154

Yes cloud is king and Microsoft is giving Amazon a run for their money in that space along with AI


07/27/18 11:07 AM

#150157 RE: joseph pareti #150154

Meanwhile the world is changing to AI, blockchain, quantum and neither of these companies, to be honest not even Intel are tier 1 in that space.

Completely disagree. First of all, you don't know when AI, which so far is just a big hype like blockchain (well, AI at least has a chance to persist), will be actually worth more than bold claims. I haven't seen anything in my daily life that is obviously affected by all this AI stuff in a way that it makes things work better. If I try to talk to my Google phone, it just understands crap of what I want it to do. Can't even let it properly call someone in my contact list. AI? Big fart, nothing else. Yes, it will be big one day, but it exists for many years already and before Google made big claims on it, nobody cared. Now everybody pretends to be able to build machines that are remotely intelligent - we are still very, very far away from this (a bit like autonomous driving - the hype from two years ago - didn't happen).

On the other hand, whether it is AI, blockchain or other stuff: Everything runs on silicon. That is a safe bet when you want to participate in this. Will AI be run on dedicated chips? Will it still run on GPUs? We just don't know. Who will be the big winner from AI? Google, Amazon, Microsoft, some current startup? Nobody knows? What I am sure of is, that it will run on silicon for now and silicon is needed in so many areas (this includes memory). It is smart to invest in the shovels business, not gold mining!