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07/27/18 8:46 AM

#36026 RE: Samsa #36025

So what are our choices? hold or sell? for me why sell now at all time lows. I can hold because worse case scenario things can change around rather quickly.

They way I see it, if he dilutes for 5 million we are good for almost year end. Boyd could come in and immediately start changes. 1st thing sell off generics for say 15 million. they could get more but if you want to move them sell them all for cheap. That gives enough cash through next year.

Next step as soon as Rexista studies are done, partner it. that could be by October and would probably come with up front payment because it is almost done. even a mere 10 million gets us through 2019 now along with sale of generics.

I think quite much like you. The price is down now. Not the best time to sell. The ballgame might change totally with only one good agreement for any product line. Present management can't make any change, but Boyd can - and will.

What I would do is making 50k$ investment in actually manufacturing metformin tablets, putting them in a van and sending the great salesman Akyempon to sell it in USA. There are several independent pharmacy chains to buy it. It's only matter of price.

If they will sell this first, there will be room for other products as well.

After a bit of rethinking I wouldn't not send Akyempon to sell it. I would do it all by myself. It would definitely be better this way.


07/27/18 10:01 AM

#36027 RE: Samsa #36025

The only problem with holding through the reverse is the probable immediate dilution to follow as you know Samsa which will immediately put more downside pressure on the stock post r/s.

So for those who want to stick around for another 3 to 4 quarters in hopes that Boyd's ownership and influence grows enough to effect major changes, like getting Odidi to step aside and focus on the science only and appointing a far more qualified CEO...the guessing game is how fast can a new CEO effect positive change right!

And although I love your idea about selling off their stagnant generics pipeline...that's gonna be a tall task even for a new CEO along with securing potential partners on Rexista, Regabatin or PODRAS simply due to how much water has already flowed under the bridge over the last few years of stagnancy.

So from my perspective only, due to the fact so many of us are already so's just not worth it to me to average down and hope for positive change that to me is gonna take a few quarters to implement even for a new CEO. And the reason I say that is because I simply no longer want to wait out this story another 9 months in hopes that IPCI gets their Oxycontin NDA candidate refiled with the FDA and another adcom scheduled for next summer.

Another 9 months of waiting to advance their Oxycontin NDA candidate means another probable $10M in dilutive financing just to keep IPCI's overhead flowing...which means another 9 months of dilutive pressure will be placed on the post reverse split share price...which will equate to stretching out the timeframe to most of us getting back to even an even longer proposition.

So for me I have chosen to exit this stock by/b4 the end of this year if no miracles occur between now and November that get this stock back on track and uptrending, as I can utilize the loss against capital gains elsewhere...instead of enduring another year of hoping that they eventually get back in front of another adcom by next summer with their Oxy NDA candidate.

I'm just no longer prepared to give this company any more time and have been second guessing my wrong decision to not sell immediately after last summers disastrous adcom nor sell last November...both instances over the past year I was close to exiting but changed my mind because I thought it couldn't get any worse and thought Dr. Odidi and his new CFO would vastly improve their communication to market and decision making.