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07/26/18 2:33 PM

#1021 RE: Robbinhood101 #1020

considering the FED is still behind on raising rates, they are only prolonging the crash. Interest rates on Ten year should be near 4% already but bc of Yellen keeping them so low for so long, it created in a way a bubble whether they want to admit it or not. just look at housing, two months in a row negative and the federal funds rate is barely at 2% 9 years after financial crash (market bottom in march of 2009)

if it weren't for Trump's tax reform, the market would have already topped out or we would be close to recession already.

and the lower rates are when it happens especially if it isn't Fed induced, it will be very bad because Fed will have little ammunition and the US dollar will get hammered do to more QE or lower interest rates and I don't like a weak dollar that causes real inflation. The US dollar should be STRONG, you just have to run you business better in US and abroad and growth has stall outs too,its just natural course of life.

SBUX problem is ultimately going to be employee costs rising and revenue flatlining