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07/25/18 8:47 AM

#6603 RE: fsulevine #6602

I did not know about it. I liked seeing it. It hits close to home, as I was stationed there 36 years ago.


07/25/18 9:39 AM

#6607 RE: fsulevine #6602

They are completing all of their projects on time or ahead of schedule doing what they're supposed to be doing. Never over-promise and underperform. there is a timeline for when each project is supposed to be completed I can find it if I look for it but you can also it's in their slideshow one of the slide shows the displays when projects are due to be completed and added to the power purchase agreement portfolio. I believe this project is scheduled to be completed in January. Not positive but that's a educated guess. I too was hyped up a little bit too early on this stock but we are very very near blast off and there's no way it's going to take more than a year to hit $20 so I beg to differ with those with more of a negative outlook or that are trying to play the stock on the way up. I am long always have been always will be this is a grand slam for sure and it's getting very close.