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07/23/18 10:41 PM

#18796 RE: DeltaWarrior #18791

Nice! Always good to have motivated mods contributing daily.


07/24/18 12:44 AM

#18809 RE: DeltaWarrior #18791

The MKR group is real deal. They won't just work with anyone great DD THOTH! As always. I am expecting major move north here soon. Manipulation and selling will end very soon IMO! Dilution has to be near ended if not done. Why else would we see CFGN starting to buy millions today. Mms are always more informed that we are as to SS and notes.


07/25/18 12:59 PM

#19872 RE: DeltaWarrior #18791


Current Share Structre

I believe investors are overlooking the $RBIZ IR firm, MKR Group. Take a look at what they've done for other OTC companies and the praise given to them by respected businessmen traded on major exchanges. This IR firm seems to know a gem when they see it and they know how to properly get a OTC company upflited.

One cannot argue the contracts we have, it's all right there in the filings. Would the SEC allow a CT Order for an SEC filer if it wasn't all legitimate? I think not. In fact, I will begin to walk you through what's covered under the CT Order so investors can understand what was given the Confidential Treatment or CT Order. This is important because the Commission now releases orders relating to applications for confidential treatment of certain information otherwise required to be included in filed documents. The Divisions of Corporation Finance and Investment Management issue these orders pursuant to delegated authority. After showing the contracts are legit, I will prove they are also being fullfilled.

I took a screenshot of the beginning portion of exhibit 10.25 && 10.26 so investors can see what the exhibits are for. I encourage investors who haven't, go read the 10-k in its entirely. It may help you better understand the legitimacy of $RBIZ and where it's headed in the near future.

SEC CT order for Exhibits 10.25 && 10.26

CT Order 10.25. Beef Contract

CT Order 10.26. Disney Distribution

Now that we can see the contracts are legit, lets see them being fulfilled, right investors?!?! Well here ya' go, contracts are indeed being fulfilled.


07/27/18 3:43 AM

#20851 RE: DeltaWarrior #18791

Huge ! MM 271 for you , Superpost ! RBIZ


07/27/18 7:09 AM

#20856 RE: DeltaWarrior #18791

Re: MKR Group (Investor Relations for $RBIZ)...

2 must see links to understand their highly important role and relationship w/$RBIZ (One their specialties is the spin-off as happened here... ):

About MKR Group:

MKR Services: