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07/23/18 8:11 PM

#40007 RE: BillTheBuilder #40004

3.7 trillion globally with how many players? Keep in mind even companies like Fitbit are classified as wellness companies. That market is extremely segmented and has billions of startups, from app makers to shave clubs. While he may be extremely healthy, he still looks like he got kicked out of the Village People. Being the most qualified and being marketable are two different things. If he wants to play with the big boys then he needs to act like one. If Aric came out wearing the same thing, the share price would tank.


07/23/18 8:35 PM

#40011 RE: BillTheBuilder #40004

I meant what I said. Plarr hawking his mushroom growing facilities, promoting oxygen levels of dinosaurs, and pretty swirling of water before you drink it does NOTHING for longevity and does not account for Plarr's health at his age, which I might argue cannot be measured by the size of his biceps in a staged pose. Anyone can look like that into their old age by maintaining a caloric deficit, deriving their diet from a variety of unprocessed foods, and regularly working out- , Of course, that they are blessed with a favorable Genetic profile.

Plarr's holistic wellness angle is NOT based on science or reality, no matter how many acyriological scientific buzzwords be uses to describe his "technologies." To be perfectly frank, even if he believes in it himself, it's still a deception.

Unfortunately the human race is measurably susceptible to snake oil sales tactics in the amount of $2.7 trillion. Fortunately for me, and you, Plarr is not LIGA's only or even *main* asset or think tank, as he is *not* well positioned to take any meaningful advantage of the market you're describing.