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07/24/18 2:31 PM

#22423 RE: saildone #22422

The "discovery" is pure, unadulterated fabulation. As described, this sounds like a surface exposure, which they could have sampled with a tablespoon any time. Yeah, the Comstock had a wet winter in 2016-2017, but nothing to write home about or that caused extensive erosion of the surrounding hills. The giant pile of mine waste they left on the slope above American Canyon didn't slide off as many fear it will one day. Remember Mark Twain talked about how miners would find a piece of high grade the size of a filbert, have it assayed, and then extrapolate the results to their whole mine.

The point about "definition drilling" is self-serving babble. All drilling is "definition" drilling--that's why they do it, and I'm as sure as ever that there's been nothing of the kind at the Dayton for years.