wrong wrong wrong
why would i want www access or the software ud need ?
thats only if u want to watch what goes on in my business from home. frankly, when i leave work the last thing i want to do is go home and watch it from a computer.
the cameras can be tied into a long play tape. if something happens then, viola!
print, i dont know what u do for a living but i hope u have a better understanding of it than what u just posted about security systems.
how do i know so much?
i own a restaurant and have cameras all through it.
wish i had known about sevu a couple years ago.
i could have saved 500.00 and a whole lot of time running coax.
but, nice try.
print, i have to add a little more to my previous post.
im doing so that u might get a handle on what u posted.
if i want to "expand" my system i can do so by purchasing the software fo 899.00.
now thats what its really about.
i would imagine that if one wanted to do so they could puchase. the computer, the software and pay for the dsl service they would need so they could watch their empty business all nite long.
i cant speak for other owners [ and i have talked to a few
more than u have. apparently. ] i can assure u that is not what they want.
and rest assured, the monthly cost of those systems is about 150.00 a month for a couple of cameras. tht doesnt include all the pc stuff either my friend
u do the math
hope this helps
now cant u see where sevu would be a better choice?
u are talkig apples and oranges.
by the way, what is the cost of this sytem u are talking about?
that dog{post} aint gonna hunt