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07/22/18 7:39 AM

#40265 RE: DD_dempsey #40264

The story started last August when RMRK showed up in CRCW’s financials under ‘other assets’...then got suddenly got dropped in their 10k, to which they wrote off an impairment of $109k. Looks like some debt had been paid off by CRCW in order to use the shell, but those plans fell through once CRCW got hit with Grey status.

Now the speculation is with a clean shell, the former CEO of RMRK might have another game plan in the works. If you can reach by phone the magical Jordan Starkman, this the only place your DD trail can get anything.

Other than that, the share structure hasn’t changed in 3 years and is under 2 billion. I have 56 million shares from trips, so I have big hopes on pure speculation...


07/22/18 7:48 AM

#40266 RE: DD_dempsey #40264

Look forward to any DD you Can dig up.


07/22/18 8:23 AM

#40267 RE: DD_dempsey #40264

The chart also says something good coming...