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07/21/18 5:13 PM

#60325 RE: zoneup #60318

Management are not just idiots they are scammers. The newsletter was just more nonsense. This paragraph shows what kind of people they are:

Before I go any further, please allow me to interject, by saying that we regularly receive emails and unsolicited “advice” from shareholders who tend to think that we are somehow enjoying or administrating this predicament, or that we are merely sitting idly by and watching our share price move downward. I understand the frustration and even believe that most of this feedback comes with good intentions, but it is just inaccurate and coming from people with an insufficient view as to the ongoings within the day-to-day operation of this company. It is evident to me that those views and opinions are shortsighted and based on limited regulatory knowledge, which governs what we can and cannot do (or say). Of course, we also get very positive feedback and great ideas from many shareholders as well, and we are grateful for all if it. Moreover, there is always a delicate balance we have to maintain concerning what we can do and say, and we do our best to abide by that framework, even when we don’t like it.