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07/21/18 3:57 AM

#141182 RE: sickzone #141181

all rice had to do is say that everyone is in agreement and kblb has the green light to proceed..

but he doesn't do that..he beats around the bush..

"In speaking with USDA officials in Hanoi they asked about and deferred back to our existing Bio-safety certificate that we were already issued through our research program at Notre Dame."

theres no need for this statement if you have the green light to proceed...but there is a need for that statement if you don't have the green light but believe you have sufficiently pled you case and believe you should have the green light..

again..its just a way of putting things on Vietnam if things don't work out or theres a delay..

to me it appears that rice is saying that mard or the ministry of science want more from the usda and he is explaining that more aint coming..

like I said...if rice had the green light, then everything else is irrelevant..

"We have our business license and our investment license, I’ve held them in my own hands"

kblb has business and investment licenses..rice has held them in his hands..(lol..trying a bit too hard?)..does that mean nothing can stop them?..

"with those licenses we can bring in our silkworms and begin working."

why does that sound more like an opinion rather than a statement of fact?..

I swear if he would have just said kblb and Vietnam are in agreement and the project has been green lighted and we are moving forward with it..

instead he talks about having seen the licenses and held them in his hands...honest I did!..

I don't remember anyone disputing that...

I mean id like to believe that prodigy is a go...but it sounds like rice was explaining why everything SHOULD be a go instead of stating that it was a go..

"i don't believe mard or most are asking for more" appears that they are still waiting for their original requests from quite awhile ago from the usda to be fulfilled..they asked for certain certifications and verifications...

which is why I believe rice stated that the usda doesn't care what kblb exports to Vietnam..kblb spoke to the usda in Hanoi..they have only been there since feb...all kblb can show the Vietnamese is what they got from the usda way back in the notre dame days..

like I said...I hope its all been resolved...but from the statement rice made, I get the feeling it really isn't...