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07/25/18 12:38 AM

#104555 RE: TRUMPSTER! #104504

Hello, TRUMPSTER, dude!! Comforting to see that there are STILL a few rational (like you) folks over here on this silly TGGI forum. HA! Indeed, TRUMPSTER, my friend, I think only you and I would agree that --- sooner or later --- TGGI will launch a Reverse Backdoor Split behind these TGGI Gambling Chips. Absolutely NOTHING else they can do to bolster-up the price of this junk for a couple weeks. Overnight, TGGI would suddenly be worth circa $1.00 (US) per "share". HA!! That would LOOK great from the NASDAQ & OTC Markets' perspective, and potential (new) "investors" to boot. I.e., no longer a lowly, garden-variety, sub-penny, piece-of-crap "Penny Stock". Suddenly, a stand-up, righteous, BUCK-per-share Gambling Chip. HA!! And, when that happens, anyone who owns TGGI Gambling Chips will watch their (new) price of circa $1.00 plummet right-back-down to their traditional $0.0001-per-share nothingness in a month or two. HA! I'm lovin' it!!