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07/20/18 3:17 PM

#32090 RE: BOURNE PERFECT #32088

A lot nearer that it was when the stock was at .0021 yesterday.
Those selling today at .0016 wish they had sold into the run yesterday, but next week when the share price is lower they will be glad they sold at .0016 today. This has a ways to fall yet. The nd of the month is still a ways away and the stock will continue to drift lower. And when the PR comes it will have no more affect than the PR yesterday where the stock ran up and starting giving it all back by the end of the day. Like with EVERY PR we have had in the last several months.


07/20/18 4:31 PM

#32092 RE: BOURNE PERFECT #32088

I've said before that 15/16 is the bottom. But after that PR/PPS debacle, I don't think that will stay true without something very substantial coming out. (Tru-Foods franchise, etc.)
I might get caught with my pants around my ankles, but I'm setting my bids lower now.
We'll see what happens!