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07/20/18 3:28 PM

#264280 RE: BriarPatch #264274

I don't think many can even begin to imagine the humor contained within that......(I'm wiping OJ off my monitors right now :) lol

I wonder why a firm with such an (allegedly, claimed) track record would be fabricating press releases and recommendations. lol

Which is quite odd, since to the best of my knowledge, they have never achieved a single victory in any state. (or maybe they were just too busy writing false testimonials to write about press releases about victories ;) LOLOLOLOL

How can one provide such a wide array of services but the company claims to have never heard of them :) LOLOL

Thanks. Got my humor fix for the day :) lol

(Small world, I'd know the smell of his perfume and the sound of the click of his heels anywhere :) LOLOLOL (Q9/Mayes)


07/20/18 3:44 PM

#264281 RE: BriarPatch #264274

I've said it before.....personally? for me?..

The best scenario would be secure another parcel (for pennies), submit app's, and pull structure(s) from property on a victory.

I have zero patience for nonsense and well versed on "hardball" You want to play?, now you have a completely empty and cleaned parcel...

I also believe in "backups" (Plan A through Z, 24/7/365), so I would hope they've been preparing for that for a year.


07/20/18 5:15 PM

#264293 RE: BriarPatch #264274



07/21/18 12:18 AM

#264309 RE: BriarPatch #264274

Thanks for the links BP. VV's are crooks for sure. Nice read.


07/21/18 12:50 AM

#264310 RE: BriarPatch #264274

Thank you for some valuable info.


07/21/18 4:26 PM

#264358 RE: BriarPatch #264274

Excellent!! Nice summary, would hate to be in the VV's shoes.

btw: got the pvt message. Thanks