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07/19/18 3:43 PM

#17148 RE: SHEEPWOLF #17145

Hope your talking BANK LINE OF CREDIT type of financing


07/19/18 3:47 PM

#17154 RE: SHEEPWOLF #17145

Well Sheep, looks like it's our time to see this baby take off tomorrow!!!! The moment we've all been waiting for!!!! 10 bagger access granted!!!!


07/19/18 3:52 PM

#17159 RE: SHEEPWOLF #17145

Exactly the free shares in Nestbuilder are not the benefit RBIZ (VERUS) shareholders get... its the ability of this to now be a stand alone company with no debt and millions in revenue...

That is what will drive us to multiple pennys and then silver... The free shares are just a bit of frosting on this giant cake known as VERUS...

And since the symbol VRUS is not in use by any current company I am guessing that will be the new symbol as well.


07/19/18 4:02 PM

#17167 RE: SHEEPWOLF #17145

It's not trading like it has that much potential. Something is not right here.